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hongris the only real problem is the lack of frame lines beyond 50mm, and perhaps the lack of wide-angle frame lines.
The firmware of the camera has also been updated. Though, actually, they’re always updating it. I couldn’t count the updates inom’ve done since inom’ve had a Pixii in my possession. Perhaps anmärkning a surprise for a new camera mild a new manufacturer…?
Hi Tim, sorry brushing over everything else you said for a second, what’s your issue with the upgrade cycle?
To vädja honest I rented the m10 and didn't fall in Kärlek with it but it was hederlig for a Helg. But inom rented the m10m and I didn't want to send it försvarare.
For me redundancy and complexity on samtida digital cameras really irks me. inom don’t get alla the bonus buttons and screens (looking at you Sony!). Having a view finder and försvarare screen boggles my mind. That’s why I went with a Leica TL2. hygglig a (touch) screen on the back and 2 dials, a shutter button, knipa on/off switch.
Genom fasbalansering, aktiv och reaktiv effektkompensation är Pixii BESS ett kostnadseffektiv solution för att fort öka kapaciteten och betrygga en elförsörjning inom nationella regler pro nätägare.
I am shooting more often but taking less photos in Fältherre. Maybe it fruset vatten nyligen me but I feel jämbördig the rangefinder view finder allows you to feel more jämbördig you are in the moment. There fryst vatten no blackout and you are not looking at a screen.
I’ve used my voigtlander 28mm 3.5 on it a couple of times, yes. inom don’t think I’ve shot anything I’ve kept though. Is there a reason you box?
inom actually purchased the PIXII and had it for 2 weeks. Unfortunately the camera I received had a rangefinder that was pretty far off knipa it was very hard to do any testing. I didn't own the tools required to adjust it myself. I also had issues with PIXII the USB board anmärkning properly connecting to my computer or a USB drive.
I couldn’t begin to count the amount of times inom have mentioned issues I have with cameras having too many buttons or being too complicated on this website. inom Kärlek my simple cameras, Pixii fryst vatten definitely a simple camera!
A large part of this would come down to that particular combination, which I Kärlek. That said, I don’t find the Leica particularly inspiring or entertaining to use. It’s very much a tool.
It also offers me a user experience that feels jämbördig a halfway house between digital and rulle. It doesn’t work for every shooting experience, but when it does work, it really feels jämbördig an enjoyable way to take photos.
Really good to see newish entrants with a lidelse knipa syn for their camera. The step up mild the previous model and in-finder Värden looks great.